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JUMBO Whole House Water Filter 20″ Pure Pro (1-stage)


Does not include the filter cartridge

SKU: 7349-0 Categories: , Brand:


JUMBO Whole House Water Filter 20″ Pure Pro (1-stage) for well water and municipal water sources

Safe, Clean Water for drinking, bathing & washing

These JUMBO filters are modular systems that allow you to custom order a water filter system for your water treatment requirements. This ensures removal of all contaminants pollutants and turbidity found in your water so you have the best combination of water pressure and water quality.

Easy Installation – Simple Maintenance

These Jumbo Filters come completely ready-to-assemble. A professional plumber is required for the installation. (a mounting bracket , ball valves and spanner)

Why Jumbo filters ?

Natural well water does not undergoo preliminary testing or treatment. The source of you well water can be changed at any time from contaminants entering the aquifer or water source. These systems deliver pure, clean tasting water to assure your family’s health and peace of mind.

Pure Pro Jumbo Filters allow you to build a customized system made just for you and your family – Choose 1 of the following cartridges.

SDF – Sediment Pre Filter 20″ : 5 micron pre-filter designed to remove sediment as well as other biological contaminants. It comes in 3 options with varying proportions of flow rate and sediment removal.    (5, 10 and 20 micron)

Carbon Block Filter (CTO) 20″ :  With a very special blend of catalyst combined to reduce contaminants by 99.99% or more, including volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) , lead and other heavy metals , cysts, E Coli, Guardia, Cryptosporidium , taste and odors.   

Granular Activeated Carbon Filter 20″ UDF/GAC : A specially designed filter for iron and sulfur reduction, specific metals, excessive acidity, hard water and excessive minerals.

Resin Filter 20″ : A specially designed filter for softening hard water. With specially formulated high quality resin. 

  • The filter cartridges should be replaced every 38.000 L of water.
  • Easy and quick cartridge replacement with the wrench included in the packaging.

Technical Features:

  • Inlet :     1″
  • Operating Temperature range:  from +2 ° C  to  +45° C
  • Max. Operating Pressure:  8.6 bar
  • Cartridge Dimensions :  20″ x 4.5″ (508 x 114mm)
  • 1-stage Jumbo Filter dimensions : 155 x 750 x 188 mm

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Pure Pro