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PERMASOFT 5000 PTPS Demineralization Unit



PERMASOFT 5000 PTPS Demineralization Unit: Heating water treatment with permasoft according to VDI 2035

Highly “filling”: permasoft demineralization unit

Ensure efficiency, warranty and guarantee.

In order to prevent heating damage, the SWKI BT 102-01 guideline sets clear requirements for the quality of the heating filling water. Compliance with the SWKI directive is also a prerequisite for any warranty claims against the manufacturer of a heating system. With the permasoft demineralisation unit, you meet all these requirements in one step thanks to its patented triple effect, and the heating water flowing through is optimally treated. This is a simple and quick way of ensuring the energy efficiency and long-term functionality of your heating system — and your warranty claims.

  • For long-term functional reliability, energy efficiency and to safeguard warranty claims
  • Fulfilment of VDI 2035 / current guidelines
  • Patented triple effect: protection against limescale and corrosion as well as pH value stabilisation
  • Demineralisation for the removal of corrosive salts and the hardness builders magnesium and calcium
  • Simple and fast application – from single-family homes to industrial buildings
  • Environmentally friendly permasoft recycling concept
  • Available in different sizes and designs – suitable for every requirement

Fill in only the best. For functional reliability and energy efficiency.

The quality of the heating water is decisive for a permanently trouble-free operation and the optimal energy efficiency of a heating system. Both the water hardness and the pH value of the filling water play an important role: the water hardness reflects the concentration of magnesium and calcium ions dissolved in the water. When heated, they can form limestone, which considerably impairs heat transfer. No less harmful to your heating system are corrosion reactions caused by an incorrect pH value or by corrosive salts such as chloride and sulphate. The formation of deposits increases fuel consumption and reduces the service life of key components. As a result, the deposits cause unnecessary costs for maintenance and energy. With the wrong water you not only have costs and trouble — you also lose your guarantee and warranty claims on the heating system. The requirements for the heating water are therefore regulated in the SWKI BT 102-01 guideline — specifications which you fulfill in an exemplary manner with the permasoft heating water treatment from perma-trade!

Compliance with VDI 2035? Quite simply with permasoft!

A mixture of selected ion exchange resins and a pH stabilizer largely demineralizes the water and simultaneously alkalizes it to pH values between 8.2 and 10 (permasoft ALU between 8.2 and 8.5). Since the corrosive ions such as chloride and sulphate are also removed, permanent corrosion protection is provided even without inhibitors. At the same time, permasoft significantly reduces the conductivity of the water in contrast to conventional softening. The VDI 2035 is regarded as state of the art and has been included in the manufacturer’s warranty conditions.

Optimum filling water quality with permasoft.

It does not matter whether it is a refill, a refill or a treatment of the existing heating water. And this even without an unpleasant restriction of your heating operation. permasoft fulfils all requirements of VDI 2035, in just one step. So you are on the safe side for comprehensive protection of the entire heating system and in the event of warranty and guarantee claims!

Additional information

Weight 5.847 kg

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