
technical Support

You can contact our company for any technical questions you have regarding problems you have in your building. You can send your question to the e-mail: info@dimco.gr or contact directly by phone the Responsible Mechanical Engineer of Technical Support - Mr. Alexandros Machira at (+30) 210-67 24 180, during the company's operating hours us (8:00-16:00) Monday to Friday.


RO Membranes for Industrial RO systems




RO Membranes for Industrial RO systems.  Suitable for any quality of water. (typical or brackish / sea water)

PurePro supplies a complete line of TFC ( Thin Film Composite) membrane elements which utilize the most advanced membrane film technology and manufacturing processes.

PurePro membranes offer equipment suppliers and water treatment dealers consistent quality, performance and savings. Most membrane elements are in stock and ready for immediate delivery!

Remove: heavy metals, lead, copper, barium, chromium, natrium, fluoride, nitrates, nitrites, selenium etc. 

Pure Pro RO membranes operate with a minimum pressure of 3,45 bar and produce 20%  more water in comparison with other competitive ones which need at least 4.14 bar to work. 

Available in 2 types :

  1. TW (Typical Water) for any quality of water
  2. BW (Brackish Water) for brackish and sea water

Water specifications:

  • Membrane type:  multi layer TFC membrane
  • Max. Water Temperature: 45 ºC
  • Mas. Operating Pressure: 21 bar
  • Max. feed water flow : 7,6 L/min
  • pH values (in continuous operation): from 2 to 11
  • pH values (during the 30-minute cleaning procedure): from 1 to 12
  • Resistance in free chlorine: < 0.1 ppm