
technical Support

You can contact our company for any technical questions you have regarding problems you have in your building. You can send your question to the e-mail: info@dimco.gr or contact directly by phone the Responsible Mechanical Engineer of Technical Support - Mr. Alexandros Machira at (+30) 210-67 24 180, during the company's operating hours us (8:00-16:00) Monday to Friday.


Tuning Fork Tip 17TFT Uniweld



Tuning Fork Tip 17TFT Uniweld allows you to heat up all the fittings of a heat pump reversing valve at once for easy removal of the defective valve.

Remove and install the new valve without altering the original copper tube fittings.

The Tuning Fork™ Tip makes it possible to work efficiently in confined spaces and get even heat quickly in tough-to-reach areas.

The Tuning Fork™ Tip fits 71 and WH550 welding handles.

Part # Acetylene Consumption SCFH Oxygen Pressure PSIG Acetylene/Fuel Pressure PSIG Overal Length Brazing Copper Tubing
Type17TFT 5-10 10 7 8″ 7/8″

Additional information

Weight 0.506 kg
Country of origin:


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